CSS Variables

Custom variables to style elements inside the component.

These variables can be declared in the stylesheet and imported in page, an example is shown in the homepage.

Variable Name Description
--search-hover-outline-color Color of search input outline when hovered over
--search-active-outline-color Color of search input outline when it has focus
--search-border-color Color of search input outline
--search-text-color Color of search input text and placeholder
--search-bg-color Color of search input background
--search-border-radius Border radius of search input
--options-container-background-color Background color of listbox
--options-background-color Background color of each individual option
--options-bx-shadow-color Box shadow color of each individual option
--options-text-color Text color od each individual option
--options-highlight-color Color of background when an option is hovered over
--options-active-color Color of background when an option is selected
--chevron-color Color of chevron (up/down arrow)
--clear-icon-color Color of the clear icon
--animation-duration animation duration for listbox opening and closing
--options-max-height Max height of the listbox
--font-weight Font weight of text inside the combobox
--font-size Font size of text inside the combobox