
Prop Type Description
placeholder string Placeholder to be displayed in the search input.
options {id : number, "value" : any, name: string}[] An array of options to be displayed when listbox is open.
  • id is for keying the options in each loop.
  • value is the items value that you want the user to select and dispatch.
  • name is the name displayed in the listbox inside each options.
defaultSelected {id : number, "value" : any, name: string} | null option that is selected by default. The option must be present in the options prop.
id string An id that is to be assigned to the container containing the search input and the options listbox.
wrapperClass string Class to be assigned to the container containing the search input and the options listbox.
inputClass string Class to be assigned to the input element inside the container.
optionsContainerClass string Class to be assigned to the div containing the options lits, i.e. the listbox container.
optionsClass string Class to be assigned to the options inside the listbox, i.e. the individual buttons contining the option text.